
Tom Ferry Be the “You” You Need | Mindset Monday Are you waiting to achieve success to be who you truly want to be? Why wait? Be that person starting today and watch what happens. Find out what I mean in today’s Mindset Monday.
Tom Ferry Engagement-Boosting Social Media Strategies from My Own Social Media Manager Engagement-Boosting Social Media Strategies from My Own Social Media Manager Are you overwhelmed and under planned when it comes to your social media? Well guess what: that’s no excuse. My guest on today’s Tom Ferry Podcast Experience says you don’t need to be a social media expert to start seeing success – our own Social […]
Tom Ferry Two and a Half Years in the Business… 182 Closed Transactions! How She Did It. With Success Summit approaching quickly (October 5-7 in Dallas and virtual), I can’t help but think back to a lesson learned directly from 2017 keynote speaker David Goggins. It basically boils down to this: You’re capable of so more than you realize. Check out today’s Mindset Monday to see what I mean.
Tom Ferry Stop Focusing on Yourself | Mindset Monday When you’re in your head, you’re dead. But that’s what happens when your focus is entirely on yourself – your issues, your challenges, your fragile transactions. Catch today’s Mindset Monday for a better alternative.
Tom Ferry How to Compete in an Increasingly Disruptive Real Estate Industry with Mike DelPrete When you’re in your head, you’re dead. But that’s what happens when your focus is entirely on yourself – your issues, your challenges, your fragile transactions. Catch today’s Mindset Monday for a better alternative.
Tom Ferry You Only Have So Much Time | Mindset Monday Do you acknowledge the existence of iBuyers and other disruptors in our industry? Or are you essentially burying your head in the sand hoping that if you don’t bring them up, your clients won’t either? Today’s guest on the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience says you not only need to acknowledge them, but you need to […]
Tom Ferry 5 Steps to Conquer Your Fears with Summit Keynote Speaker Michelle Poler The noise of the world can quickly consume all of your time… if you let it. The key to joy and happiness is maximizing the 1,440 minutes we’re allotted daily. Today’s Mindset Monday is your reminder to be more intentional about how you’re using your time.
Jared James How Do I Come Up with Content, John Mayer's New Album, and More | Today With Jared James Ep.74 On this episode I am joined by Tom D'Ademo again and we talk about how I come up with content for our upcoming 2021 Jared James Advance, John Mayer's new album and much more!
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Tom Ferry Ambition AND Execution When you get out of your comfort zone, you’re basically under attack. Your body starts recoiling and the voice inside your head makes up a million reasons why you should retreat. But here’s the thing… outside your comfort zone is where ALL growth happens. So Michelle Poler figured out a way to get beyond her […]
Tom Ferry Winning on a Hyperlocal Level: Call the People Who Know, Like & Trust You! Ambition. Execution. It’s not one or the other. The key to success is getting them both rocking at the same time… where you’re fired up for the possibilities, and full of enthusiasm as you take action. What if – just what if – you committed to both through the remainder of 2021?
Tom Ferry A Running Start into ‘22 | Mindset Monday It’s mid-August – the so-called “dog days” of Summer – but the things you’re doing right now are actually setting you up for how you’ll begin 2022. So it’s no time to let up. Check out today’s Mindset Monday and figure out if you want to deal with benefits or consequences of your actions to […]
Tom Ferry Summit Keynote Speaker Seth Godin: The Undisputed Heavyweight Champ of Modern Marketing He’s the guy who turned “spam” into legitimate “email marketing.” He’s an author of 20+ amazing books and thousands of informative blogs. He’s one of the best marketers in my lifetime, and one of the most generous people on the planet. I couldn’t be more excited… Not only because the one and only Seth Godin […]
Tom Ferry When You’re in Your Head, You’re Dead | Mindset Monday We all make the mistake of occasionally overdramatizing our failures. But if you’re letting minor setbacks send you into a spiral of negativity, it’s time to eliminate those barriers and start making the best of every situation. Check out my advice in today’s Mindset Monday.
Tom Ferry The BluePrint for Creating Viral Videos Anytime 81% of consumers agree on something, you should probably pay attention. That’s the percentage of people who say they prefer to watch a video before making a buying decision today. So when more than four out of every five people want to watch a video, guess what… you better be shooting videos! Lots of […]
Tom Ferry Stop Seeking the Quick Fix | Mindset Monday
Tom Ferry The Key First Step to Fending Off Real Estate’s Biggest Disruptors Get up. Work my butt off. Go to bed. Repeat… I recently calculated I’ve done that more than 11 THOUSAND days since I joined this industry. But it wasn’t until I’d done it about 8,500 times that I gained any real notoriety. I hope my point is clear… whenever you think someone is an “overnight […]
Tom Ferry The Firefighter’s Code One-Week Challenge | Mindset Monday You’re not expected to save people from burning buildings, but for this week, I’m challenging you to adopt the firefighter’s code for how you approach your real estate career. Let’s see what you can create with just a little more courage, service and dedication over the next seven days.
Tom Ferry Tomo’s Greg Schwartz on Reshaping the Mortgage Experience Take Charge! It’s Your Life, Choose Your Path One path does not dictate your future. If you wake up and decide you want to change your path, do it. It won’t be easy, and people will prefer you stay where you are for their comfort. But I’m here today to tell you; it’s your life; […]
Tom Ferry Fame or Shame: What Drives You? | Mindset Monday A big part of being a coach is figuring out how people are wired and what motivates them. For some, it’s trying to re-create the success they’ve achieved previously. And for others… well, check out today’s Mindset Monday for that. And then look inside yourself and figure out the answer to this question: “What drives […]
Tom Ferry A Simple 3-Step Framework to Finish the Year Strong Imagine yourself on December 31, 2021… Are you happy with your performance over the past 12 months, or do you wish you’d done more? Even though we’re early in Q3, it’s never too soon to think about how you want to finish the year. Because the more intentional you are, the better your results will […]