
Tom Ferry Achieving Peace Amid the Chaos | Mindset Monday Imagine yourself on December 31, 2021… Are you happy with your performance over the past 12 months, or do you wish you’d done more? Even though we’re early in Q3, it’s never too soon to think about how you want to finish the year. Because the more intentional you are, the better your results will […]
Tom Ferry 13 Crazy Marketing Offers to Help You Win at a Hyperlocal Level News flash for you… Success never happens in a straight line. Yes, you have your starting point and your desired ending point, but the journey will take many twists and turns along the way. And the more you understand that going in, the more you can thrive on it and enjoy the ride. Listen to […]
Tom Ferry Stop Thinking and Do! | Mindset Monday Are your conscious and unconscious thoughts preventing you from actually taking action? It might be time to stop thinking and just start. Let’s talk about it in today’s Mindset Monday.
Tom Ferry Beyond Champagne & Balloons: Why Stellar Client Experiences are the Future of Real Estate [Minor technical difficulties caused Tom’s audio to be not quite  up to our usual standard, but the content of this episode is so strong  we didn’t want to prevent you from hearing it.  Please excuse the inconvenience.]   “What other ways can we show gratitude?” It’s this question that led Matt Farnham to become one […]
Tom Ferry Align Your Behaviors with Your Goals As life returns to normal, it’s time to decide what you really want to achieve. And then figure out if the actions you’re taking will actually get you there. Let’s talk about it in today’s Mindset Monday.
Tom Ferry Be Like Kobe. Do the Work. | Mindset Monday We all want things to be easier in life. But like I told you last week, 90 percent of success is simply doing the work. So… are you constantly looking for hacks, or are you willing to do the work? Check out today’s Mindset Monday to find out why this topic makes me instantly think […]
Tom Ferry Decoding Greatness with Award-Winning Psychologist and Author, Ron Friedman, PHD Do you ever wonder what separates top performers from all the others? Catch today’s Tom Ferry Podcast Experience to learn about the methods of award-winning psychologist and author of Decoding Greatness, Ron Friedman, PHD. The best companies have a range of performance levels, Ron digs into what separates top performers from everyone else. Ron explains […]
Tom Ferry 10% is the Moment of Inspiration, 90% is the Work | Mindset Monday We all get excited when we are working on a new project, and that excitement is the fuel that drives us to begin the hard part – THE WORK. 10% is the moment of inspiration, but to get results you have to put in the other 90%.
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Tom Ferry Who Are You Modeling Right Now? | Mindset Monday What if you could take some of the best qualities of the people you know and admire and put them into your DNA? Let me show you how to “model” the behaviors of those you respect in today’s Mindset Monday.
Tom Ferry The Best “You” You Can Be As we enter the post-pandemic “new normal,” you have some important questions to ask yourself. These questions will shape you who are, who you serve, and how you do it. Find out what they are in today’s Mindset Monday.
Jared James How Does The iOS 14.5 Update Affect Your Marketing With Joe Kirschner | Today With Jared James Ep. 73 Apple and Facebook have been in a bit of a war and the latest Apple iOS 14.5 update is just another example of the drastic changes affecting the marketing world. Listen in as I talk to Joe Kirschner about this latest update and how it's going to affect marketing overall.
Tom Ferry This 15-Minute Rant Could Be Extremely Valuable for Your Real Estate Business Last week I shot a long form live video with Tim Smith and David Childers, and as soon as it finished, I started getting requests for one specific excerpt. I’m happy to deliver it as today’s episode of the Tom Ferry Podcast Experience. Tim Smith has already closed $300 million in sales in 2021, so […]
Tom Ferry Keep Opening Doors | Mindset Monday Life doesn’t happen in the hallway. It happens by continuously opening doors and closing doors. Don’t let yourself get stuck in between. Find out what I mean in today’s Mindset Monday.
Tom Ferry Recondition Your Brain | Mindset Monday Joy, ecstasy and happiness are within reach… if you’re feeding your brain good thoughts. Find out how to get them – and avoid getting stuck in a rut – in today’s Mindset Monday.
Jared James Live Events, New Tour, McConaughey, DMX & more w/Tom D'Ademo | Today With Jared James Ep.72 On this episode I'm joined by Tom D'Ademo and we talk about all that's happened the past month and give our takes on what we think matters. 
Tom Ferry More. Less. Start. Stop. | Mindset Monday Achieving ambitious goals takes more than just hard work. It means looking inward at your behaviors and figuring out four simple categories. Find out what I mean in today’s Mindset Monday.
Tom Ferry Why 2 Industry Heavyweights Joined Forces–Tim Smith & Andy Dane Carter on the Future of Real Estate If you’ve ever wanted to be a fly on the wall of an unfiltered conversation among two industry heavy hitters, today’s Tom Ferry Podcast Experience is for you. I’m joined not only by Coastal Orange County Rockstar team leader Tim Smith of The Smith Group……but also investment property superstar-turned South Bay residential Rockstar Andy Dane […]
Tom Ferry Check Your Routines | Mindset Monday Are your routines leading you toward your goals or pulling you in the wrong direction? If you’re not achieving the results you desire right now – in the single greatest real estate economy in our lifetime – it’s time to check your routines.
Tom Ferry EP 115 80 Minutes of Killer Hands-On Real Estate Expertise from Tom Toole We’ve all been tested over the past year, and for many, these trying times have revealed who we really are – both good and bad. The question in today’s Mindset Monday is how do you tap into that good and leave the bad behind so you can grow from the experience?
Tom Ferry EP. 114 Talking Health, Covid Fallout & the Importance of Transitions with Pam Jacobson Listening to the fascinating insights that board-certified functional medicine practitioner Pam Jacobson shares on today’s podcast, I can’t help but recognize how many similarities there are between maintaining positive health and running a successful business. No matter how much you know, you must implement what you’ve learned. You’ve gotta walk the walk and do the […]